Thursday, October 16, 2014

The best way to help your body protect itself against Ebola (or any virus or bacteria)

The best way to help your body protect itself against Ebola
(or any virus or bacteria)
(NaturalNews) With the threat of the Ebola virus spreading, there is a need to understand what natural options are readily available to you in case you don't want to be subjected to conventional medical treatments and infected patients in hospitals. The only proven system to help eradicate the Ebola virus is your body's immune system, and it is of primary importance to start strengthening its response now to give yourself the best chance of successfully fighting off an infection. 

Work with your body's natural defenses 

The only way to work with your body's natural defenses is to give it what it requires in order to function at optimal performance. Conventional medical wisdom claims that man-made remedies such as vaccines are superior to those provided by nature, but it doesn't take a scientist to understand that the toxic chemicals and preservatives injected into the body along with antigens is not a legitimate way to improve immunity. 

To improve your immunity, you must improve your relationship with nature and the medicine it provides, which has been proven to keep people healthy for thousands of years. In this case, a focus on healing foods and herbs that have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties is of primary importance, along with improving immune system function and eliminating foods that suppress it. 

Antibacterial foods, herbs, and solutions to begin consuming regularly 

Even though Ebola is a virus, it only makes sense to start clearing out any harmful bacteria in your digestive system in order for your immune system to function properly. This will allow it to do its job more efficiently, which is a must have when dealing with more deadly infections such as Ebola. 

Antibacterial foods and herbs to consider, include: 
Curcumin Extreme

Turmeric (curcumin
Oregon grape root 
Marshmallow root 
Uva Ursi 
Colloidal silver 

Most of these foods and herbs can be used in many different ways in every day meal preparation, but the most potent way to receive their benefits in through tinctures, capsules, teas, essential oils, and freshly pressed juices. A few of them are antiviral as well (like ginger, garlic, cranberry, colloidal silver, and Echinacea). 

Stock up on antiviral herbs 

In the event that Ebola is found in your region, or you suspect you may have an infection, you may want to consider the following as part of your natural defense: 

Una de Gato (Cat's Claw) 
Pau D'Arco 
Lemon balm 
Licorice root 
Olive leaf 
Oregano oil 

These proven virus fighters will provide another layer of protection to your overall immune support plan. 

Consume immune strengthening foods, herbs, and nutrients 

Along with these foods and herbs, it's also important to consider those things that help solidify a strong immune system, such as: 

Adaptogenic herbs (reishi, siberian ginseng, astragalus, gynostemma, una de gato, pau d'arco) 
Liver supporting herbs (milk thistle, dandelion root, yellow dock root, burdock root, artichoke, turmeric) 
Vitamin C (camu camu, acerola cherry, guava, peppers, kale, oranges) 
Vitamin D (sunlight and/or fermented cod liver oil) 
Zinc (supplement or pumpkin seeds) 
Probiotics (supplement or consider sauerkraut, coconut kefir, apple cider vinegar, and kombucha) 

The foods, herbs, and ingestible nutrients listed will provide your immune system with exceptional benefits, and can be consumed in whole food, capsules, tinctures, and tea. Grounding is helpful as well. 

Ditch foods and behaviors that suppress the immune system 

Another very important factor to unleash your immune system is to stop consuming foods and engaging in behaviors that depress it. The biggest culprits in immune suppression are: 

Sugar (especially refined) 
Probiotics to create a healthy immune system
Corn, soy, and wheat (gluten) 
Hydrogenated foods 
Excess animal protein 
Excess flour intake 
Highly processed foods 
Chronic stress 
Excessive EMF exposure 
Limited sunshine or vitamin D supplementation 

Improve in all of these areas, and your immune system and energy will reciprocate nicely, both which help your body protect itself against Ebola (and any other viruses or bacteria). 

As always, consult with a qualified herbal practitioner or naturopath to determine which herbs and solutions are best for your individual situation. At this time, there is no proven remedy for Ebola, but investing in your immune system and using nature's medicine quite possibly gives you the best route of action. 

Learn all these details and more at the FREE online Pandemic Preparedness course at 


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Monday, October 13, 2014

10 Fat-Burning Foods to Add to Your Shopping List

Fight fat with food simply by picking the right snacks and ingredients. Peta Bee shows you how

Want to lose weight but don’t have the time or the energy to do more at the gym? Then the solution could be to fill your shopping basket with the right fat-burning foods. Here we reveal the top ten foods that are guaranteed to give you a head start in the fat-loss stakes:


Remember the grapefruit diet of the 1980s? Well, it wasn’t as faddy as you might think. A study, published in Nutrition & Metabolism showed that a pre-meal snack of grapefruit or grapefruit juice really can boost weight loss. Researchers at Vanderbilt University found that obese adults who consumed half a grapefruit or a glass of 100 per cent grapefruit juice before their three main reduced calorie meals, lost an average 7.1 percent of their body weight - or 15 pounds per person - in 14 weeks.


When you are asked if you want black pepper sprinkled onto your food, you should always answer ‘yes’. Why? Because Korean scientists reporting in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that piperine - the flavoursome substance that gives black pepper its characteristic taste - can block the formation of new fat cells in the body.


Add a sprinkle of this spice to your breakfast cereal and coffee every day and you could offset some of the ‘fat’ calories you consume. That was the outcome of a study conducted by Penn State University researchers who showed that cinnamon and turmeric reduces the body’s negative responses to high-fat meals. “Normally, when you eat a high-fat meal, you end up with high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in your blood,” said Sheila West, associate professor of biobehavioral health, who led the study. “We found that adding spices to a high-fat meal reduced triglyceride response by about 30 percent.”


Long derided as unhealthy, eggs have transformed their image in recent years and are now among the foods most widely accepted to help you shift body fat. Last year, experts at the University of Missouri found that a breakfast rich in protein, such as eggs, significantly improves appetite control and reduces unhealthy snacking on high-fat or high-sugar foods in the evening. Being low in calories (an egg contains only around 75), an egg or two is a great way to fill up without packing on the pounds.


When you eat apples, always keep the peel on. Why? Because it is an excellent source of a substance called ‘ursolic acid’ that has been shown to aid fat-burning. Trials on obese rats have shown that those fed ursolic acid (also found in cranberries, rosemary, lavender and prunes) were able to eat more than their counterparts who weren’t given the substance but still lose more weight and gain a greater amount of lean muscle tissue.


There have long been rumours that green tea aids weight loss by triggering the body to burn abdominal fat, but can they really be true? Many scientists think so thanks to specific tphytochemicals in green tea called catechins. In 2013 a group of Korean scientists showed how extract of green tea not only aided weight control, but improved symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. Effects were amplified when the green tea was consumed with a compound called polyethylene glycol and researchers said you could easily drink your way to good health by sipping several cups a day.


Blueberries for health
They are packed with beneficial antioxidant vitamins, but that’s not all you get from eating blueberries regularly. Scientists at the University of Michigan showed that obese rats given meals enriched with blueberries lost fat from their stomachs and, they say, the same could be true for humans. In the study, researchers used freeze-dried blueberries crushed into a powder and added two per cent of the preparation to the animals’ meals. ( try Isotonix Orac or Isotonix OPC-3 ) After 90 days, they had less abdominal fat and lower cholesterol. Benefits were linked to the high level of phytochemicals - naturally occurring antioxidants - contained in the fruit. Why not try Vicki Edgson’s blueberry and almond milk smoothie recipe?


If you have a snack attack, then you could do worse than opt for some almonds. A team of scientists from Pennsylvania State University looked at the effects of consuming a small handful (30 grams) of almonds compared with a calorie-matched, high carbohydrate snack on body weight in 52 adults with raised cholesterol. After 6 weeks, weight loss did not differ between the two groups, but the almond diet proved to be a fat-buster, reducing overall abdominal fat, and waist circumference compared to the other snack.


Eating chilli peppers, or even milder red peppers to your menu can actually increase your body’s consumption of calories and “oxidise” layers of body fat, found researchers at the University of California. The ‘heat’ in peppers comes from an active ingredient called capsaicin - the hotter the peppers, the more of it you get. Other trials have shown that capsaicnoids in peppers not only boost fat burning but also trigger the stores of ‘good brown fat’, which gobbles calories, into action.


marley coffee
Marley Coffee - 100% Organic
As long as you take it black, then your coffee could aid fat-burning. But so could cola or another caffeinated drink. Sport scientists have previously shown that caffeine consumption prior to exercise can help the body to utilise fat stores before relying on carbohydrate (glycogen) for fuel. And last year, a paper in PLOS One journal that analysed how cyclists responded to a java jolt found those who drank caffeine or coffee moved almost 5 per cent quicker during a workout than those who hadn’t taken the caffeinated beverage. A greater workout output translates to greater calories burned, so it’s a double winner on the fat-burning front.