Wednesday, November 19, 2014

5 Signs You Might Be Vitamin Deficient

Do you ever feel like your body is trying to tell you something? Like when you’re feeling a little tired, you may be a bit grumpy or teary eyed. Or when you know you may be on the verge of catching a cold or winter flu, you start feeling sort of lethargic and perhaps get a funny feeling in the back of your throat? Body signals work in ways to do just that – let you know when body functions are there highest and best function, but also give you sign when something is a little off. Staying in tune with your body is essential for keeping everything in top form – from muscles to organs and even your mind. And, being sure you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need is half the battle when it comes to staying in tip top shape. Here’s a look at how your body signals that you’re vitamin deficient – signs to look out for and how to combat with healthy choices and vitamin supplements, if necessary. 

1. Do you find yourself getting bad muscle cramps in spots like your toes, the backs of your legs or even the arches of your feet? This could mean you may be lacking in potassium, calcium or even magnesium.  Adding almonds, cherries, apples, hazelnuts, squash, leafy greens, bananas and broccoli just might do the trick.
2. Getting the tingles in your feet and hands? It’s pretty wild, but this can be related to a deficiency in B vitamins. Try loading up on pinto, black and kidney beans, while also mixing it up with asparagus, oysters, mussels, eggs and spinach.
3. How about little white or red bumps – often on your buttocks, arms and cheeks? Seems odd, right? You may be a bit deficient in vitamins A, D and perhaps need to increase your essential fatty acid intake. Adding more healthy fats to your diet – found in things like sardines, salmon, walnuts, flax, chia and almonds can easily up the essential fatty acids necessary for staying on top of your game. Leafy greens, bright colored veggies (like bell peppers and carrots) are loaded with vitamin A and often, vitamin D deficiencies can be easily solved with a supplement (talk to your doc about this one).
4. Have you noticed a whole heap of things going a little off with your body? Like dry hair and skin, mood swings and even joint and muscle aches. Any combo of these symptoms could signal a deficiency in vitamin C. From supplements to dietary additions, getting a bit more vitamin C in your diet is pretty easy. Of course, the common citrus fruit (oranges and lemons) are a great source, but vitamin C can also be found in guava, red bell peppers, kiwi, Brussels sprouts and even cantaloupe.
5. Are you noticing little cracks at the corners of your mouth? Well, believe it or not – that may be your body telling you it’s time to get a little more iron and maybe even some zinc and B vitamins. This is an easy fix by switching up your diet just a bit. Try eating more salmon, eggs, tuna and poultry. Adding in some kale, swiss chard, broccoli and bell peppers will even help your body absorb that iron a little better.
No matter what, paying attention to your body is absolutely essential when it comes to staying healthy – you are the only one who knows exactly when something is off or just isn’t quite right. Got questions about these symptoms and how to solve? Definitely talk to your doctor.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The best way to help your body protect itself against Ebola (or any virus or bacteria)

The best way to help your body protect itself against Ebola
(or any virus or bacteria)
(NaturalNews) With the threat of the Ebola virus spreading, there is a need to understand what natural options are readily available to you in case you don't want to be subjected to conventional medical treatments and infected patients in hospitals. The only proven system to help eradicate the Ebola virus is your body's immune system, and it is of primary importance to start strengthening its response now to give yourself the best chance of successfully fighting off an infection. 

Work with your body's natural defenses 

The only way to work with your body's natural defenses is to give it what it requires in order to function at optimal performance. Conventional medical wisdom claims that man-made remedies such as vaccines are superior to those provided by nature, but it doesn't take a scientist to understand that the toxic chemicals and preservatives injected into the body along with antigens is not a legitimate way to improve immunity. 

To improve your immunity, you must improve your relationship with nature and the medicine it provides, which has been proven to keep people healthy for thousands of years. In this case, a focus on healing foods and herbs that have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties is of primary importance, along with improving immune system function and eliminating foods that suppress it. 

Antibacterial foods, herbs, and solutions to begin consuming regularly 

Even though Ebola is a virus, it only makes sense to start clearing out any harmful bacteria in your digestive system in order for your immune system to function properly. This will allow it to do its job more efficiently, which is a must have when dealing with more deadly infections such as Ebola. 

Antibacterial foods and herbs to consider, include: 
Curcumin Extreme

Turmeric (curcumin
Oregon grape root 
Marshmallow root 
Uva Ursi 
Colloidal silver 

Most of these foods and herbs can be used in many different ways in every day meal preparation, but the most potent way to receive their benefits in through tinctures, capsules, teas, essential oils, and freshly pressed juices. A few of them are antiviral as well (like ginger, garlic, cranberry, colloidal silver, and Echinacea). 

Stock up on antiviral herbs 

In the event that Ebola is found in your region, or you suspect you may have an infection, you may want to consider the following as part of your natural defense: 

Una de Gato (Cat's Claw) 
Pau D'Arco 
Lemon balm 
Licorice root 
Olive leaf 
Oregano oil 

These proven virus fighters will provide another layer of protection to your overall immune support plan. 

Consume immune strengthening foods, herbs, and nutrients 

Along with these foods and herbs, it's also important to consider those things that help solidify a strong immune system, such as: 

Adaptogenic herbs (reishi, siberian ginseng, astragalus, gynostemma, una de gato, pau d'arco) 
Liver supporting herbs (milk thistle, dandelion root, yellow dock root, burdock root, artichoke, turmeric) 
Vitamin C (camu camu, acerola cherry, guava, peppers, kale, oranges) 
Vitamin D (sunlight and/or fermented cod liver oil) 
Zinc (supplement or pumpkin seeds) 
Probiotics (supplement or consider sauerkraut, coconut kefir, apple cider vinegar, and kombucha) 

The foods, herbs, and ingestible nutrients listed will provide your immune system with exceptional benefits, and can be consumed in whole food, capsules, tinctures, and tea. Grounding is helpful as well. 

Ditch foods and behaviors that suppress the immune system 

Another very important factor to unleash your immune system is to stop consuming foods and engaging in behaviors that depress it. The biggest culprits in immune suppression are: 

Sugar (especially refined) 
Probiotics to create a healthy immune system
Corn, soy, and wheat (gluten) 
Hydrogenated foods 
Excess animal protein 
Excess flour intake 
Highly processed foods 
Chronic stress 
Excessive EMF exposure 
Limited sunshine or vitamin D supplementation 

Improve in all of these areas, and your immune system and energy will reciprocate nicely, both which help your body protect itself against Ebola (and any other viruses or bacteria). 

As always, consult with a qualified herbal practitioner or naturopath to determine which herbs and solutions are best for your individual situation. At this time, there is no proven remedy for Ebola, but investing in your immune system and using nature's medicine quite possibly gives you the best route of action. 

Learn all these details and more at the FREE online Pandemic Preparedness course at 


Learn more:

Monday, October 13, 2014

10 Fat-Burning Foods to Add to Your Shopping List

Fight fat with food simply by picking the right snacks and ingredients. Peta Bee shows you how

Want to lose weight but don’t have the time or the energy to do more at the gym? Then the solution could be to fill your shopping basket with the right fat-burning foods. Here we reveal the top ten foods that are guaranteed to give you a head start in the fat-loss stakes:


Remember the grapefruit diet of the 1980s? Well, it wasn’t as faddy as you might think. A study, published in Nutrition & Metabolism showed that a pre-meal snack of grapefruit or grapefruit juice really can boost weight loss. Researchers at Vanderbilt University found that obese adults who consumed half a grapefruit or a glass of 100 per cent grapefruit juice before their three main reduced calorie meals, lost an average 7.1 percent of their body weight - or 15 pounds per person - in 14 weeks.


When you are asked if you want black pepper sprinkled onto your food, you should always answer ‘yes’. Why? Because Korean scientists reporting in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that piperine - the flavoursome substance that gives black pepper its characteristic taste - can block the formation of new fat cells in the body.


Add a sprinkle of this spice to your breakfast cereal and coffee every day and you could offset some of the ‘fat’ calories you consume. That was the outcome of a study conducted by Penn State University researchers who showed that cinnamon and turmeric reduces the body’s negative responses to high-fat meals. “Normally, when you eat a high-fat meal, you end up with high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in your blood,” said Sheila West, associate professor of biobehavioral health, who led the study. “We found that adding spices to a high-fat meal reduced triglyceride response by about 30 percent.”


Long derided as unhealthy, eggs have transformed their image in recent years and are now among the foods most widely accepted to help you shift body fat. Last year, experts at the University of Missouri found that a breakfast rich in protein, such as eggs, significantly improves appetite control and reduces unhealthy snacking on high-fat or high-sugar foods in the evening. Being low in calories (an egg contains only around 75), an egg or two is a great way to fill up without packing on the pounds.


When you eat apples, always keep the peel on. Why? Because it is an excellent source of a substance called ‘ursolic acid’ that has been shown to aid fat-burning. Trials on obese rats have shown that those fed ursolic acid (also found in cranberries, rosemary, lavender and prunes) were able to eat more than their counterparts who weren’t given the substance but still lose more weight and gain a greater amount of lean muscle tissue.


There have long been rumours that green tea aids weight loss by triggering the body to burn abdominal fat, but can they really be true? Many scientists think so thanks to specific tphytochemicals in green tea called catechins. In 2013 a group of Korean scientists showed how extract of green tea not only aided weight control, but improved symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. Effects were amplified when the green tea was consumed with a compound called polyethylene glycol and researchers said you could easily drink your way to good health by sipping several cups a day.


Blueberries for health
They are packed with beneficial antioxidant vitamins, but that’s not all you get from eating blueberries regularly. Scientists at the University of Michigan showed that obese rats given meals enriched with blueberries lost fat from their stomachs and, they say, the same could be true for humans. In the study, researchers used freeze-dried blueberries crushed into a powder and added two per cent of the preparation to the animals’ meals. ( try Isotonix Orac or Isotonix OPC-3 ) After 90 days, they had less abdominal fat and lower cholesterol. Benefits were linked to the high level of phytochemicals - naturally occurring antioxidants - contained in the fruit. Why not try Vicki Edgson’s blueberry and almond milk smoothie recipe?


If you have a snack attack, then you could do worse than opt for some almonds. A team of scientists from Pennsylvania State University looked at the effects of consuming a small handful (30 grams) of almonds compared with a calorie-matched, high carbohydrate snack on body weight in 52 adults with raised cholesterol. After 6 weeks, weight loss did not differ between the two groups, but the almond diet proved to be a fat-buster, reducing overall abdominal fat, and waist circumference compared to the other snack.


Eating chilli peppers, or even milder red peppers to your menu can actually increase your body’s consumption of calories and “oxidise” layers of body fat, found researchers at the University of California. The ‘heat’ in peppers comes from an active ingredient called capsaicin - the hotter the peppers, the more of it you get. Other trials have shown that capsaicnoids in peppers not only boost fat burning but also trigger the stores of ‘good brown fat’, which gobbles calories, into action.


marley coffee
Marley Coffee - 100% Organic
As long as you take it black, then your coffee could aid fat-burning. But so could cola or another caffeinated drink. Sport scientists have previously shown that caffeine consumption prior to exercise can help the body to utilise fat stores before relying on carbohydrate (glycogen) for fuel. And last year, a paper in PLOS One journal that analysed how cyclists responded to a java jolt found those who drank caffeine or coffee moved almost 5 per cent quicker during a workout than those who hadn’t taken the caffeinated beverage. A greater workout output translates to greater calories burned, so it’s a double winner on the fat-burning front.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014



Quite honestly, I’m an eater, not a mover. I dream about my next delicious meal versus when my next run will be and I always find some excuse to skip my daily workout. Unfortunately, evenings spent lounging on the couch and consuming large amounts of food don’t do my body any favors. But here are some ways that get me motivated to work out that will work for you, too:

1. Write it down and make it visible. Maybe you’d like leaner legs, more toned arms, or to look amazing in your wedding dress; whatever your exercise motivation is, make sure to write it down and post it in a visible spot. For extra inspiration, write the same goals down on several pieces of paper. Take those goals and post them in places you spend a lot of your time (for example, your car, vanity, desk at work, etc.). Additionally, taping these goals to a remote control or the refrigerator may inspire you to turn off the television, put down the cookie, and instead fit a workout into your schedule.
2. Sleep in your workout clothes. If you like to workout in the morning, consider sleeping in your gym clothes. This shaves off a few precious minutes that can be added back into your night of sleep. Also, you will only need to literally roll out of bed and you are already prepared to start your workout. Though I’m not a morning workout person, I can apply the same routine in the evening by packing a gym bag in my car. This leaves me with no excuse to go home after work (at the risk of getting stuck on the couch).
3. Reward yourself with retail therapy. If you’re anything like me, you probably love to shop–maybe even a little too much, if I’m being honest. So, this motivating tip can both save money in your wallet and add a little muscle to your physique. Think of an item that you’ve had your eye on and tell yourself that you cannot purchase it until you’ve consistently exercised over a 6-month span. At the 6-month mark, go ahead and splurge on that item as your reward. Heck, you may even want something different at that point, saving you the money you would’ve spent on that previous goal item.
4. Have an accountability partner. I’ve realized that you don’t have to live in the same place as someone to have him or her hold you accountable. One of my best friends lives across the country, but I’ve asked her to hold me accountable by texting me to ask me about my daily workouts. And I’ll do the same for her. Even just one message, a little nudge, and the thought of that someone checking up on you will keep you motivated to fit in that run or workout DVD.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is Daily Aspirin Right for You?

Is Daily Aspirin Right for You?

Early in my career when I was running through hospital halls, coat tails flying behind me, headed to help someone in cardiac arrest—I pondered whether daily aspirin could prevent these types of calamities. It was the 1980s and there wasn’t a hard-working doctor who didn’t worry about having their own heart attack. Knowing that aspirin had the power to thin the blood, many doctors began adding a daily aspirin to their regimen.
Later on, once the efficacy was confirmed, it was decided an 81 mg baby aspirin could replace the hefty 325 mg adult dose. Bayer, the largest producer of aspirin, jumped at the chance to promote its pain reliever as the “wonder drug” in heart attack prevention, even in healthy individuals. Doctors began prescribing it to virtually every patient they had.

Daily Aspirin Increases Bleeding Events

Now, a new meta-analysis of 9 placebo-controlled trials challenges that practice. This month, the Archives of Internal Medicine published data collected from 100,000 people over six years showing that we have to treat 120 people with a daily aspirin to prevent just one nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI).
Super Antioxidant OPC-3
The researchers did report that total cardiovascular events decreased by 10 percent.  But at the same time there was a 30 percent increased risk for “trivial bleeding events.”  Because it took treating just 73 people to trigger that bleeding event, we must think twice about our overzealous use of aspirin.

The Bottom Line on Daily Aspirin 

* I don’t recommend an aspirin for primary heart attack prevention. While a daily aspirin prevents clot formation, the final step that triggers a heart attack, it doesn’t change atherosclerotic plaque which is the underlying cause of heart disease.
A far better way to prevent a heart attack is by keeping plaque from forming and building up in the first place.  That means back to basics: a healthy diet, exercise, weight reduction, nutritional support with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, blood pressure lowering, stress reduction
and so on.
* But taking a daily aspirin for secondary heart attack prevention—if you’ve already had a heart attack or have a history of cardiovascular disease—is just plain good medicine. I regularly advocate aspirin for those who have known heart disease, such as a history of angina, heart attack, angioplasty or stent procedures, or coronary artery bypass surgery. In these cases, I recommend taking one baby aspirin daily.
But even if you have all the characteristics I just mentioned that would make you a perfect candidate for a daily preventative aspirin regimen, it won’t do you a lick of good if you’re part of the population known as “aspirin-resistant.” Fortunately, there’s a test to determine if an aspirin a day will work for you.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Healthy Skin From Within

Healthy Skin From Within

Studies support the idea that nourishing the skin via dietary supplementation yields positive Robert M. Blair , Ph.D., Strategic Research Scientist

Healthy Skin From Within
While it is important to take care of our skin the summer with the application of topical products, taking care of our skin by consuming skin-healthy foods and supplements is also important.  Some of the more amusing ingredients to keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy this summer include Pycnogenol, vitamin C, resveratrol and hyaluronic acid.

A number of studies have shown that Pycnogenol can support normal skin health. One of the early studies on Pycnogenol reported that supplementation for eight weeks helped the skin resist effects of ultraviolet rays, suggesting that it can help protect the skin from sunburn.  Another study reported that consumption of Pycnogenol helped to improve skin hydration and elasticity in postmenopausal women. This was possibly due to an observed increase in the expression of genes involved in the synthesis of collagen.

Vitamin see is an antioxidant vitamin that is essential for collagen formation. A recent study reported that consumption of Vitamin C could increase the skins ability to scavenge oxidative free radicals, with a dose of 100 mg vitamin C/day increasing this ability by 22% any dose of 180 mg/day increasing this ability by 37 percent.  A population-based study reported that higher vitamin C consumption was associated with a lower likelihood of a wrinkled appearance and reduce skin dryness with age.  Combining vitamin C supplementation with vitamin D supplementation has been reported to reduce the skins sensitivity to sunlight.  

Resveratrol is a naturally occurring compound found in various fruits, nuts, and berries, but is most abundant in the skin and seeds of grapes.  It is April antioxidant it has been reported to have numerous potential health benefits including skin health benefits.  Several in vitro and animal studies have reported that resveratrol can suppress UV – induced skin damage when applied topically; however, few clinical studies have examined the skin health benefits of resveratrol supplementation.  In one recent study, supplementation with a blend of grape extract (containing 8 mg resveratrol) and pomegranate extract for 60 days resulted in an increase in the skin hydration and elasticity and decrease in skin roughness and wrinkle depth.

Flawless Skin From Within
Hyaluronic acid is one of the major skin matrix substances in which many of the skin's components ( cells, collagen, a lasting, etc.) are embedded, giving structure to the skin.  The loss of hyaluronic acid as we age is thought to be partly responsible for wrinkle formation and the loss of elasticity as we get older. To date only a few studies have examined the benefit of dietary consumption of hyaluronic acid on skin appearance; however, the study suggested consumption of hyaluronic acid might help hydrate the skin and give it a smoother appearance.  A small pilot study demonstrating that the consumption of a blend of a hydrolyzed collagen type two, low – molecular – wait hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate lead to a reduction in skin dryness and a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles.

While all of these ingredients are excellent choices for supporting healthy summer skin from within, they are also excellent choices to look for in your topical skin care products. Pre-clinical and clinical studies suggest Pycnogenol, vitamin C, and resveratrol can have anti-aging benefits for the skin and protect the skin from UV induced damage, while hyaluronic acid has been shown to help moisturize the skin at low doses. Combining a topical and dietary approach with skin-healthy ingredients is the ideal approach in order to deliver these ingredients to all the layers of the skin.   Learn more here 

Friday, May 09, 2014

New research exposes risk of nutritional
deficiencies in obese teenagers
by Nathan Gray

Teenagers and young adults who are severely obese are at risk of nutritional deficiencies including low iron, anaemia, and a low vitamin D status, find researchers.

The study is believed to be the first study to compare the nutritional status of severely obese teens who did not undergo weight loss surgery to those who did have surgery ­ finding that at leastyears after undergoing gastric bypass surgery, teens and young adults maintained significant weight loss but were at risk of nutritional deficiencies, particularly low iron, mild anemia and low vitamin D.

Isotonix Vitamin D with K2
The team, led by Dr Stavra Xanthakos, director the Surgical Weight Loss Program for Teens at Cincinnati Children's, also found low iron and low vitamin D in severely obese teens who did not undergo weight loss surgery. Those who didn't have surgery also had low levels of protein in their blood.

"We knew there were nutritional difficulties in teens who had undergone bariatric surgery, but everyone thought it was primarily the surgery that caused these problems since gastric bypass excludes the portion of the small intestine where many nutrients, especially iron, are most absorbed," said Xanthakos.

"What this shows us is that nutritional deficiencies occur even in teens who don't undergo surgery. Severely obese patients should be screened for nutritional deficiencies, regardless of whether they've undergone weight loss surgery."

Research details
The researchers studied 79 obese teens who either received weight loss surgery or were evaluated but did not receive surgery. These participants were evaluated between 2001 and 2007 and contacted to participate in the study between 2011 and 2014.

Eight years on average after surgery, the team found that the patients had experienced "durable and significant" weight loss, about 28%, while those who didn't receive surgery had not lost weight.

However, both groups were at risk from nutritional deficiencies, said the team ­ who presented their data at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies in Vancouver, Canada.

Indeed, obese teens were found to be at risk from low iron and vitamin D irrespective of whether they received the surgery.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The power of Pycnogenol Infographic

The power of Pycnogenol Infographic

  • Controlling diabetes
  • Relieving arthritis
  • A healthier heart

7% reduction of LDL bad cholesterol in young healthy adults after six weeks
5.3 reduction fasting blood glucose levels in type two diabetes patients after three weeks
55% of osteoarthritis patients reported decreased pain after three months
10% increase of HDL good cholesterol in young healthy adults after six weeks
56% of osteoarthritis patients who improved physical functions after three months
53% of osteoarthritis patients reported decreased joint stiffness after three months

57% of individuals who cut blood pressure medication in half after eight weeks

Click here to find products that have Pycnogenol

Friday, February 28, 2014

Vitamin D may have direct effect on brain development, social behavior and autism

Vitamin D may have direct effect on brain development, social behavior and autism

Vitamin D could have a 'critical influence' levels of serotonin in the brain and may directly effect social behaviors associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), according to new research.

Writing in The FASEB Journal, the study suggests that adequate levels of vitamin D may be required to produce serotonin in the brain where it shapes the structure and wiring of the brain, acts as a neurotransmitter, and affects social behavior.
Led by Professor Bruce Ames of Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI) in the US, the study demonstrates that serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin three brain hormones that affect social behavior are all activated by vitamin D.

“We present evidence that vitamin D hormone (calcitriol) activates the transcription of the serotonin synthesizing gene tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) in the brain at a vitamin D response element (VDRE) and represses the transcription of TPH1 in tissues outside the bloodbrain
barrier at a distinct VDRE suggesting a causal link between the sunshine vitamin, serotonin and autism,” wrote Ames and his colleagues.

Isotonix Vitamin D with K2
They noted that autism, which is characterized by abnormal social behavior, has previously been linked to low levels of serotonin in the brain and to low vitamin D levels, but no mechanism has linked the two until now.

Indeed, Ames and his team suggested that their study sheds light on, and offers a mechanism to explain many of the known, but previously not understood facts about autism.

“This mechanism explains how low vitamin D hormone levels result in aberrant serotonin synthesis, subsequently leading to abnormal brain development,” wrote the research team. “Low vitamin D hormone levels during foetal and neonatal development could result in poor TPH2 expression and subsequently reduced serotonin concentrations in the developing brain.”

They added that such a suggestion may mean that adequate vitamin D hormone levels during pregnancy, as well as nutritional intake of tryptophan and vitamin D during early childhood, “may have a critical influence on brain serotonin levels and, thus, on the structure and neural wiring of the brain.”
Learn more here by Nathan Gray 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

DNA Miracles Natural Soothing Ointment Before and After testimonial

You need to see these amazing results with the new DNA Miracles Natural Soothing Ointment 
– Below you’ll find an amazing testimonial about the DNA Miracles Natural Soothing Ointment, along with some photos that show the dramatic results of this incredible product. 
Before DNA Miracles Natural Soothing Ointment
After DNA Miracles Natural Soothing Ointment

DNA Miracles Natural Soothing Ointment is a nontoxic formula strong enough to soothe and yet gentle enough for the softest skin. Using natural ingredients like willow herb, shea butter and coconut oil, this ointment protects your child’s sensitive skin while locking in much-needed moisture. DNA Miracles Natural Soothing Ointment helps keep your baby’s skin healthy and hydrated while providing soothing comfort.  Try it Here

Thursday, February 13, 2014

eGifts for Valentine’s Day

eGifts for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is TOMORROW! If you’re sitting there stressing that you don’t have a gift yet for your loved one…fret no more! SHOP.COM is here to save the day with our amazing eGifts! It’s never too late to score the perfect gift for whoever you’re shopping for! Read on to learn how SHOP.COM can save Valentine’s Day!
Something for everyone, anytime!
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The best part is, this last minute gift is emailed to the recipient with the eGiftannouncement within minutes of the purchase!  Don’t stress this Valentine’s Day about finding the perfect gift! We’ve done the work for you! Get your eGift today! :)

Mass-Marketed Energy Drinks Full Of ... Calories and Sugars

Mass-Marketed Energy Drinks Full Of … Calories and Sugars

In a world where everything is moving so rapidly, most people are always on the lookout for something to give them a boost. Many have turned to the fast-growing energy drink/energy shot market.
According to market statistics, energy drinks and shots are expected to become a $21.5 billion business by the end of the decade. The promises of instant energy in a convenient form is alluring to many – from teens and college students looking for an extra pick-me-up, to professionals trying to power through their hectic days, and even older adults looking to keep up with the younger generations.
Problem is, most of those energy drinks on the market are offering consumers more than they bargain for; namely, a ton of empty calories and sugars. These products have come into question over the last few months, as health professionals and media outlets have questioned the legitimacy of these mass marketed products.


The Caffeine Issue 
No one questions caffeine, in moderation, can have a natural energy-boosting effect. According to a recent study from Johns Hopkins University, caffeine can help the brain retain information during a period of up to 24 hours subsequent to consuming it.You may not know it, but much of the rush you receive from mass-marketed energy products comes from the sugar contained in them. Some top-selling energy products on the market contain as much as 20 grams of sugar – as much as you would find in a regular sized candy bar.Many mass-marketed energy products have another secret: a lot of calories. According to nutritional facts, the most widely-consumed energy drinks on the market today have anywhere between 100 and 220 calories per serving.In that study, participants were asked to study images presented to them and five minutes later received either a placebo or 200 milligrams of caffeine, which is the average daily intake of caffeine in various forms for 80 percent of adult Americans (many health professionals and agencies, including the FDA, state that 400 milligrams of caffeine a day is a safe amount for adults).The caffeinated group was more capable of telling which images were similar to the ones they had viewed, instead of mistaking them as being the same – an ability known as “pattern separation”: being able to recognize difference between similar items, a marker of memory retention. So if the amount of caffeine isn’t the issue, what is?The arguments in this debate center on consumption by teens who are naturally drawn to energy products through mass marketing efforts and endorsement deals with athletes and celebrities. A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics reports that more teens are downing energy drinks; in 2003, 16% regularly consumed the drinks, while in 2008, that percentage jumped to 35%.And it’s not just the consumption of such drinks; it’s the quantities they are consuming. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, adolescents should not consume more than 100 mg of caffeine a day. Just one energy drink nearly doubles that intake, and the addition of sodas and other caffeinated products adds up to an unhealthy amount.
Sugar, Sugar, SugarWhile all that sugar makes these energy products taste better, they come with one major pitfall: Sugar and fructose, both found in energy drinks, spike your insulin level for a brief amount of time, which translates into an infusion of energy. But it is short lived. When the sugar is used up, your insulin level will plummet and you will experience fatigue.According to the Pediatrics journal study, individuals who consume multiple energy drinks daily “could be taking in 120 mg to 180 mg of sugar,” or up to six times the maximum recommended daily intake. According to Men’s Health magazine, one leading energy drink contains nearly as much sugar as six glazed doughnuts. The study’s authors also noted that adolescents who consume energy drinks could be at risk for obesity and dental problems.
Awake Energy Shot
Unwanted Calories Pile Up
Even these companies’ low-calorie or low-sugar options have upwards of 20 calories per serving. Someone who consumes these types of drinks regularly – twice or even three times a day – could be adding nearly 700 calories to their diets, or nearly 35 percent of the USDA’s recommended caloric intake. And that’s without eating.
Possible Option 
Awake Energy Shots provide much needed fuel and promote mental focus without the crash later. With 200 milligram of caffeine, combined with amino acids and B-vitamins, Awake Energy Shots provide long lasting physical and mental energy without any sugars or calories found in leading energy products on the market. Take Charge with Awake, available exclusively at SHOP.COM.