Wednesday, June 11, 2014



Quite honestly, I’m an eater, not a mover. I dream about my next delicious meal versus when my next run will be and I always find some excuse to skip my daily workout. Unfortunately, evenings spent lounging on the couch and consuming large amounts of food don’t do my body any favors. But here are some ways that get me motivated to work out that will work for you, too:

1. Write it down and make it visible. Maybe you’d like leaner legs, more toned arms, or to look amazing in your wedding dress; whatever your exercise motivation is, make sure to write it down and post it in a visible spot. For extra inspiration, write the same goals down on several pieces of paper. Take those goals and post them in places you spend a lot of your time (for example, your car, vanity, desk at work, etc.). Additionally, taping these goals to a remote control or the refrigerator may inspire you to turn off the television, put down the cookie, and instead fit a workout into your schedule.
2. Sleep in your workout clothes. If you like to workout in the morning, consider sleeping in your gym clothes. This shaves off a few precious minutes that can be added back into your night of sleep. Also, you will only need to literally roll out of bed and you are already prepared to start your workout. Though I’m not a morning workout person, I can apply the same routine in the evening by packing a gym bag in my car. This leaves me with no excuse to go home after work (at the risk of getting stuck on the couch).
3. Reward yourself with retail therapy. If you’re anything like me, you probably love to shop–maybe even a little too much, if I’m being honest. So, this motivating tip can both save money in your wallet and add a little muscle to your physique. Think of an item that you’ve had your eye on and tell yourself that you cannot purchase it until you’ve consistently exercised over a 6-month span. At the 6-month mark, go ahead and splurge on that item as your reward. Heck, you may even want something different at that point, saving you the money you would’ve spent on that previous goal item.
4. Have an accountability partner. I’ve realized that you don’t have to live in the same place as someone to have him or her hold you accountable. One of my best friends lives across the country, but I’ve asked her to hold me accountable by texting me to ask me about my daily workouts. And I’ll do the same for her. Even just one message, a little nudge, and the thought of that someone checking up on you will keep you motivated to fit in that run or workout DVD.